

Wave is a revolutionary AI Note Taker app designed to enhance productivity and ease the task of note-taking. With Wave, you can convert any recorded audio including lectures, business meetings, phone calls, and doctor's appointments into text and get clear, concise summaries without the hassle of manual note-taking. Available on iOS devices, the app offers features like unlimited recording length, background recording capabilities, and seamless integration with Siri. Using the sophisticated Whisper v3 transcription model from OpenAI, Wave ensures high transcription accuracy, and its AI-powered summarization helps you focus on the critical information. Whether you're a busy professional, a student, or anyone in need of an efficient note-taking solution, Wave stands out as an essential tool for capturing and understanding vital information on-the-go.

Top Features:
  1. Easy Audio Recording: Record from your iPhone, iPad, and Mac with one tap and without any time constraints.

  2. Background Recording: Wave can record in the background, even with the screen off, allowing for uninterrupted usage of other apps.

  3. Transcription Accuracy: Utilizes Whisper v3, OpenAI's open-source transcription model, to provide best-in-class transcription of audio recordings.

  4. Summarization: The AI pipeline of Wave converts transcribed text into succinct summaries, with customizable length and format.

  5. Privacy First: Committed to user privacy with a clear and transparent privacy policy, ensuring data protection.


1) What is Wave?

ave is an AI-powered note-taking app that records, transcribes, and summarizes audio on iOS devices.

2) How does Wave work?

ave uses an AI-powered pipeline to capture audio, convert it to text, and then produce a summary that you can customize.

3) Is there a limit on recording time?

he Free plan offers 30 minutes of recording per month.

ou can get more time with the Standard plan (5 hours) or the Pro plan (unlimited recording).

4) How accurate are the transcriptions?

ave's transcription accuracy is high due to the use of OpenAI's Whisper v3, but audio clarity can affect the precision of transcriptions.

5) Can I use Wave while using other apps or with my screen off?

es, Wave can record audio in the background and is functional when the screen is off, allowing multi-tasking on your device.






AI Note Taker Transcription Summary iOS App Whisper v3


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