

QuestGPT offers an innovative solution to enhance customer support through intelligent chatbots trained using GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) technology. These chatbots are designed to understand and utilize your unique website content, providing accurate and helpful support to your customers. The process is simple and fast, allowing you to connect your various content sources, such as websites and PDF documents, and go live with a fully functional chatbot in minutes. With the upcoming feature to import Notion docs, your chatbot's knowledge base will be even more comprehensive. QuestGPT is designed to save your team time by quickly parsing through multimedia content to find precise information. The effortless chatbot training offers a significant upgrade to customer support, providing instant, contextually relevant answers based on your data. Deployment is rapid, offering a plug-and-play widget, internal dashboard, and, soon, React components and HTTP API support. Additionally, QuestGPT promises future analytics and usage insights to help you track and understand user search trends, allowing for continual optimization of your content and chatbot performance. Creating a personalized chatbot is a straightforward process with QuestGPT. You enter your website URL, and the system automatically retrieves all the pages, after which you can select specific ones for chatbot training. The result is a chatbot tailored to answer inquiries related to your website's content, enhancing user experience and satisfaction. QuestGPT offers three main ways to utilize your new chatbot: integrating it via a website widget for immediate customer support, using the Npm library and React components for easy embedding, or building on top of the QuestGPT API for custom applications. Start now with a free trial and experience the QuestGPT advantage in making your documentation and support channels more user-friendly.

Top Features:
  1. Knowledge Access: Easy search through multimedia content to quickly find the information needed.

  2. Effortless Training: Train the chatbot with unique website data for enhanced customer support.

  3. Rapid Deployment: Multiple options to build and use the chatbot, including widgets, dashboards, and APIs.

  4. Insights and Analytics: Future features for tracking user trends and retraining models based on feedback.

  5. One-Click Creation: Easily create chatbots by entering a website URL and selecting pages for training.


1) What is QuestGPT?

uestGPT is a customized chatbot solution empowered by GPT technology, designed to assist with customer support by leveraging your own website content.

2) How can I deploy QuestGPT on my website?

ou can deploy QuestGPT using a website widget plugin, Npm library/React components, or APIs.

3) Do I need a credit card to start using QuestGPT?

o, there is no credit card required to create your chatbot with QuestGPT.

4) What upcoming features will QuestGPT have?

uestGPT plans to support Notion docs, React components, HTTP API, and analytics and usage insights in the near future.

5) How do I train a QuestGPT chatbot for my website?

ou simply enter your website URL, and QuestGPT will fetch your pages for you to select and initiate the training process.






GPT Chatbot Customer Support AI Technology Plug and Play


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