

MeetGeek is an AI-powered meeting assistant that records, transcribes, summarizes, and provides key insights from every meeting. It streamlines the meeting process, allowing you to focus on collaboration, brainstorming, and decision-making. By automating mundane tasks, MeetGeek improves team productivity and provides valuable time-saving features.

Top Features:
  1. Easily keep your team in syncAll conversations details at your fingertipsCapture the essential from your meetingsFocus on meaningful conversations.

  2. Take back control over your calendar.


1) How does it work?

eetgeek integrates seamlessly with your calendar.

t will automatically join your Zoom, Google Meet, or MS teams meetings, regardless if you are the host or not.

otes and summaries are generated automatically for you and delivered to your inbox quickly after the call.

2) What happens to my calls and who can view them?

Nobody except you can access the data and you have full control over permissions.

our meetings are securely stored in a private cloud environment.

e enforce end-to-end encryption both for data at rest and in transit, using state-of-the-art encryption protocols.

eetgeek is GDPR compliant.

ee https://meetgeek.


/security and https://meetgeek.


/privacy for more details.

3) How accurate are the transcript and notes?

f you can make sense of it, Meetgeek will too.

e provide state-of-the-art speech-to-text technology enabling high-quality video notes and transcripts.

sing proprietary NLP algorithms, we provide several magical out-of-the-box highlight.





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