Felo Subtitles - Chrome Web Store

Felo Subtitles - Chrome Web Store

Elevate your virtual meetings and live video experiences with Felo Subtitles, the cutting-edge Chrome extension offering real-time captioning and translation services. Felo Subtitles utilizes the power of ChatGPT to provide instant transcription and translation across a variety of platforms, including Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and YouTube Live. Whether you're engaging in international business meetings, attending virtual conferences, or streaming live content, Felo Subtitles ensures no word is missed and every message is understood, breaking down language barriers and enhancing accessibility for audiences worldwide.

Top Features:
  1. Real-time Captioning: Transcribe spoken words instantly during online meetings and live broadcasts.

  2. Multilingual Translation: Translate and understand content in various languages on supported platforms.

  3. Wide Platform Compatibility: Use the extension with popular communication tools like Zoom Google Meet and Microsoft Teams.

  4. Enhanced Accessibility: Makes online content more accessible to viewers with hearing impairments.

  5. Seamless Integration: Easy integration with Chrome for a user-friendly experience.





Real-Time Captions ChatGPT Zoom Transcription Google Meet Translation YouTube Live Captions


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