

Aspect is revolutionizing the interview process with its cutting-edge AI copilot designed for talent teams and recruiters. This advanced platform seamlessly integrates with popular conferencing tools like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom, providing an efficient and collaborative environment for conducting interviews. Aspect's AI-driven technology offers human-level interview notes, ensuring no valuable insights are missed, and allows users to make data-driven hiring decisions without the distractions of manual note-taking. AI summaries by Aspect provide a comprehensive overview of each interview, capturing all questions, answers, and key highlights. This enables hiring professionals to revisit interviews for crucial insights that might have been overlooked. The platform's unique InterviewGPT feature acts as a powerful AI search engine for past interviews, making it effortless to craft precise follow-ups or compare candidates instantly. Scoring candidates is more intuitive than ever, as Aspect's smart technology auto-fills evaluation scorecards, reducing manual entry work. The integration with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) like Lever, Greenhouse, Ashby, and Teamtailor (with more integrations like Workday on the roadmap) synchronizes data across platforms to streamline the hiring workflow. Lastly, Aspect doesn't just make recruiting easier; it elevates it. With AI-powered interview coaching, recruiters can receive actionable feedback to refine their interviewing skills, ensuring continuous improvement and better hiring outcomes. Aspect is the go-to tool for recruiters aiming to enhance the quality of their hiring process, maintain consistency and fairness, and expedite the onboarding of new team members.

Top Features:
  1. Automated AI Interview Notes: Capture comprehensive details with human-level AI notes for every interview.

  2. AI Summaries & Search Engine: Revisit and search past interviews effortlessly with comprehensive summaries and InterviewGPT feature.

  3. Auto-Fill Scorecards & ATS Integration: Save time with automatically filled evaluation forms and seamless integration with leading ATS platforms.

  4. AI-Powered Interview Coaching: Enhance interviewing skills with targeted feedback and improve hiring techniques.

  5. Streamlined Candidate Comparison: Quickly compare candidates with intuitive data retrieval and insights.





AI Interview Notes ATS Integration AI-Powered Hiring Automated Note-Taking Talent Acquisition Technology


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