

WorkViz is an innovative performance tool designed for remote teams looking to maximize productivity and efficiency. With its advanced AI capabilities, WorkViz provides managers with insightful analytics to foresee their team's potential and take proactive measures to maintain optimal work balance. The tool features automated daily report generation through work logs, enabling a simplified reporting process that saves time and ensures accuracy. Moreover, WorkViz empowers employees to convey their workload feelings via emojis, fostering better communication and emotional awareness in the virtual workspace. Additionally, WorkViz's intelligent system sends alerts to managers when an employee is nearing their capacity, assisting in the timely investigation and mitigation of potential roadblocks.

Top Features:
  1. Automated Daily Reports: Simplifies the reporting process with AI-curated drafts based on active time in selected apps.

  2. Employee Voices: Empowers employees to express their feelings about their workload through emojis.

  3. Workload Management: Alerts managers when team members are approaching their work capacity.

  4. Productivity Solutions: Proactively identifies and helps manage factors that could cause productivity dips.

  5. Investigation of Roadblocks: Suggests managers to assess potential impediments to employee performance and encourages proactive intervention.


1) What is WorkViz?

orkViz is a performance management tool that helps visualize and manage the productivity of remote teams using advanced AI analytics.

2) Is there a free trial available for WorkViz?

es, there is an option for a free trial with WorkViz.

ou can start it by visiting their website and filling out the registration form.

3) How does WorkViz ensure data security?

orkViz utilizes SSL security protocols, with data encryption in place to safeguard all user information.

4) How does WorkViz help with daily reporting and analytics?

orkViz has automated daily reports generated from work logs and insightful analytics that help managers understand their team's productivity and capacity.

5) How can I contact WorkViz for more information or support?

o contact WorkViz, you can use their online contact form available on the website, where you will need to enter your name, email, and message.






Remote Team Performance Tool Productivity AI Capabilities Workload Management


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