

Webo.Ai offers an AI-driven test automation platform designed to cater specifically to startups seeking to bring their products to market efficiently. With our platform's capabilities, startups can now automate their testing process within just three business days. This rapid deployment allows for a faster push towards market readiness, significantly reducing the time typically spent on product testing while addressing common challenges faced by new ventures. Key issues such as the time-consuming nature of manual testing, the difficulty of scaling test automation alongside growth, and the need for extensive research and expert hiring are easily managed with Webo.Ai's smart platform. We offer a transformative solution that empowers startups to overcome these hurdles without breaking the bank. Our platform brings multiple benefits, including an 80% reduction in test time, a 73% decrease in production defects, and a substantial 69% cut in quality assurance costs. These impressive metrics contribute to a faster time to market, ensuring that startups can remain competitive and agile in today's fast-paced environment. Webo.Ai's straightforward ‘Start 2 Months Free Trial’ offer allows potential clients to experience our platform firsthand. This trial includes features like rapid setup, AI-generated test cases within 24 hours, test case review and approval readiness in just one day, and support for a maximum of 100 test cases with unlimited regressions. Our offer is even more attractive with the introduction of an introductory price of $999 per month after the trial. In short, Webo.Ai's test automation platform is positioned to accelerate startup growth by offering a smarter, faster, and more affordable approach to software testing, enabling faster delivery of quality products to the market.

Top Features:
  1. Rapid Setup: Get started with the test automation setup within 2 minutes.

  2. AI-Generated Test Cases: Receive ready-to-run test cases within 24 hours.

  3. Automation Readiness: Have your tests ready for automation within 24 hours after approval.

  4. Price Advantage: Benefit from reduced QA costs by 69% with our platform.

  5. Free Trial: Try out the Webo.

  6. Ai platform with a 2-month free trial and maximize your QA efficiency.



What is Webo.


ebomates offers a test automation platform that helps startups test their products quickly and efficiently, reducing manual testing effort and speeding up time to market.


What testing challenges does Webo.

Ai address?

ey challenges include the time-consuming nature of manual testing, the difficulty of scaling automation with company growth, and the necessity for research and expert recruitment.


How does Webo.

Ai’s platform benefit startups?

ur platform reduces test time by 80%, decreases production defects by 73%, and lowers QA costs by 69%.


Does Webo.

Ai offer a free trial?



offers a 2-month free trial that includes AI-generated test cases, rapid setup, automation readiness, and robust technical support.


What features are included in the Webo.

Ai free trial?

he trial includes AI generation of test cases, unlimited regressions, and self-healing capabilities with a maximum of 100 test cases.






Test Automation Web Application Testing AI-Powered Platform Quality Assurance Startup Growth


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