

Taskmole is a comprehensively designed AI Doctor for Business Processes, offering a multifaceted solution to optimize and automate operations. Tailored to meet the needs of Operations Leaders, the application is an all-encompassing platform that brings together task mining, process mapping, and automation recommendations in one intuitive interface. With compatibility with tools that businesses already use, Taskmole seamlessly integrates with popular applications such as Zapier, Make, n8n, and various diagramming tools like MS Visio, Miro, and Lucidchart. Taskmole's standout feature is its ability to 'x-ray' business processes by tracking and recording everyday tasks. This real-time capture of workflow details eliminates manual task-tracking, saving time and ensuring comprehensive process mapping. The autogenerated process maps can be exported and further utilized for in-depth analysis, ensuring that every step of the operation is running smoothly. Security and privacy are at the core of Taskmole's design, boasting top-tier data protection practices and desktop-first functionality, ensuring sensitive data remains within the user's environment. This level of security is extended to every pricing tier, from individual users who can access the basic package for free to SMBs and enterprises that require a more robust feature set, including custom integrations and VIP support.

Top Features:
  1. Automated Task Mining: Automatically track and record daily computer tasks for process transparency.

  2. Process Mapping: Generate process maps automatically from captured tasks for operational insights.

  3. Automation Recommendations: Receive tailored suggestions for process improvements using popular tools.

  4. Advanced Security & Privacy: Employ state-of-the-art data protection practices to keep your data secure.

  5. Comprehensive Integration: Easily connect to a variety of tools and platforms, enhancing existing workflows.


1) Can you explain in simple terms what your tool does?

askmole offers a powerful combination of task mining, process map generation, and automation recommendations within a single app, aiming to streamline and optimize your business workflows.

2) What benefits can your tool deliver?

ur tool can significantly accelerate the automation of daily tasks, mapping out and monitoring your processes to make sure you're taking full advantage of automation possibilities.

3) How do you ensure the security of my data?

e prioritize data security by using advanced encryption measures, adhering to industry standards, and ensuring that the app functions with a desktop-first approach to keep your data on your device.

4) What sets this product apart from automation tools like Zapier and Make?

askmole differentiates itself by not only connecting apps but by analyzing your business processes first, then suggesting specific automations.

e work in tandem with tools like Zapier and Make to offer a more compreh.





Task Mining Process Mapping Automation Suggestion Business Optimization Operations Automation


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