

Unthread is a revolutionary platform designed to empower customer support teams by centralizing and streamlining conversational support across various communication channels such as Slack, Teams, email, and in-app chat. By leveraging industry-leading AI, Unthread assists teams in efficiently managing customer interactions from a single inbox with deep integration in Slack. It offers an array of features to facilitate quick and automatic tracking of support tickets, clear assignment of conversations, implementation of SLAs, and the automation of support responses. With Unthread, modern customer experience (CX) teams can handle support requests, collaborate internally, and integrate with multiple tools and services, ensuring high responsiveness and customer satisfaction.

Top Features:
  1. Slack Channel Support: Track conversations in shared channels with customers.

  2. AI-Generated Support: Automate support responses and insights using AI.

  3. Shared Email Inbox: Manage emails in one place and sync them with Slack.

  4. In-App Live Chat: Engage with customers in real-time through a Slack channel.

  5. Integration with Tools: Link Slack conversations with CRMs task managers and more.


1) What does Unthread do?

nthread centralizes customer interaction across Slack, Teams, email, and in-app chat into a single inbox and automates responses using AI.

2) Can Unthread track and manage emails?

es, Unthread can track and manage email threads by syncing with Slack for ease of use in a single shared inbox.

3) Does Unthread integrate with other tools?

nthread integrates with various tools such as CRMs, task managers, and marketing tools to streamline workflow and customer support.

4) How does Unthread's AI help support teams?

nthread's AI-powered features can automatically categorize support requests and suggest responses, helping teams learn from customer feedback.

5) How can I try Unthread?

o try Unthread, you can sign up for a 14-day trial with no credit card required.






Slack Support AI-Powered Customer Support Shared Email Inbox In-App Live Chat Customer Success


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