

Spokk is proclaimed as the world’s best customer feedback app, designed to enhance the sales and reputation of businesses by amalgamating private feedback and public reviews. The platform offers a seamless way for companies to request and manage customer feedback, thereby fostering deeper connections and improving customer retention. Spokk's system centers on a single link that transforms private feedback into public reviews, while its AI capabilities generate reviews that customers can share on public platforms. It allows businesses to reply to feedback instantly, conduct two-way conversations via messaging, and export contacts as a CSV file. With customizable coupon codes and offers, Spokk aims to convert negative experiences into positive ones, encouraging more public reviews to attract new customers. The founder's personal experience with bad customer service led to the creation of Spokk with a vision to give companies the opportunity to rapidly respond and improve their services.

Top Features:
  1. Feedback and Review Management: Easily collect and manage feedback and reviews using a single link.

  2. AI-Generated Reviews: Transform private feedback into sharable public reviews with the help of AI.

  3. Customer Engagement: Engage with customers directly through messaging and incentivize feedback with coupons.

  4. Export Contacts: Collect and export customer contact details for future marketing and follow-up.

  5. Business Growth: Convert negative experiences into positive ones, encouraging increased loyalty and customer base growth.


1) What is Spokk?

pokk is a customer feedback app that helps businesses increase sales and improve customer relationships by managing feedback and leveraging private and public reviews.

2) How can Spokk help my business?

pokk can help your business by providing tools to efficiently collect customer feedback, facilitate quick responses, and generate public reviews to attract new customers.

3) Can Spokk integrate with other platforms?

he website content does not explicitly mention integration with other platforms.

t's recommended to contact Spokk directly for this information.

4) Is Spokk suitable for all types of businesses?

pokk is presented as a versatile solution for businesses of all types who want to improve their customer feedback loop.

5) On what public review platforms can my customers post their AI-generated reviews?

ustomers can easily copy and paste the AI-generated reviews on any public review platform that allows user-generated content.






Customer Feedback Public Reviews AI Generated Reviews Business Tools Customer Retention


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