

StarCoder is an innovative Large Language Model for Code (Code LLM) presented by Hugging Face, designed to revolutionize the way we work with programming languages. Trained on an extensive range of permissively licensed data gathered from GitHub, StarCoder understands and processes over 80 programming languages, Git commits, GitHub issues, and Jupyter notebooks. With its ~15B parameter model, StarsCoder is fine-tuned using 35B Python tokens, delivering unparalleled code completion, modification, and explanation capabilities. The model notably demonstrates superior performance in benchmarks against other open-source and proprietary Code LLMs like OpenAI's CodeX. StarCoder's advanced features include an extensive context length, the ability to function as a sophisticated technical assistant, and the promise of safe use through measures like PII redaction and novel attribution tracing. Additionally, StarCoder is being made accessible under the OpenRAIL license, encouraging widespread integration and adaptation to suit a variety of company products and community projects.

Top Features:
  1. Multilingual Support: Capable of understanding and processing over 80 programming languages.

  2. Advanced Code Completion: Offers high performance in benchmarks, outpacing other large models like PaLM and LaMDA.

  3. Extensive Context Length: Can handle over 8,000 tokens, allowing for complex input and diverse applications.

  4. Technical Assistant Capabilities: With prompt-based interaction, the model can act as a technical assistant to respond to programming related queries.

  5. Safe and Open Accessible: Introduced with safety measures like PII redaction and an improved OpenRAIL license for ease of integration.


1) What is the basis of the StarCoder model?

tarCoder is based on a ~15B parameter model trained for 1 trillion tokens on data from GitHub.

2) Does StarCoder outperform other large language models for code?

es, it outperforms open models like PaLM and closed models such as code-cushman-001 by OpenAI on benchmarks.

3) What is the benefit of StarCoder's OpenRAIL license for companies?

he updated OpenRAIL license under which StarCoder is released simplifies integration into products for companies.

4) Is the StarCoder training data permissively licensed and is there an opt-out option?

es, the model was trained on permissively licensed code and offers an opt-out process for code contributors.

5) What steps has StarCoder taken towards a safe open model release?

tarCoder offers an improved PII redaction pipeline and a novel attribution tracing tool.





StarCoder Large Language Model Code Completion Open Source Programming Languages


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