

Discover cutting-edge machine learning with Hugging Face Transformers, which offers state-of-the-art models for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX. Dive into the 'distillation' research project on GitHub to explore how knowledge distillation techniques can compress large, complex models into smaller, faster counterparts without significantly sacrificing performance. This part of the Hugging Face Transformers repository contains examples and scripts that demonstrate the training and implementation of distilled models such as DistilBERT, DistilRoBERTa, and DistilGPT2. Learn from the detailed documentation and updates about the ongoing improvements, and understand how these models can be used in practical applications for efficient natural language processing.

Top Features:
  1. Scripts and Configurations: Examples and necessary scripts for training distilled models.

  2. Updates and Bug Fixes: Regular updates and bug fixes documented for improved performance.

  3. Detailed Documentation: In-depth explanations and usage instructions for each model.

  4. State-of-the-art Models: Access to high-performance models that are optimized for speed and size.

  5. Multilingual Support: Models like DistilBERT support multiple languages, increasing the versatility of applications.


1) What is Distil* in the context of Hugging Face Transformers?

istil* refers to a class of compressed models that are smaller, faster, and lighter versions of their original counterparts, retaining much of their performance while being more efficient.

2) What is knowledge distillation?

nowledge distillation is a method where a smaller model (student) learns to perform a task as effectively as a larger model (teacher) by training on the outputs of the larger model.

3) Where can one find examples of distillation for DistilBERT, DistilRoBERTa, and DistilGPT2?

istillation examples can be found in the 'distillation' folder of the transformers' official GitHub repository.

4) How often are the distilled models updated and maintained?

rogress and updates are shared regularly along with the resolution of any identified bugs, as shown in the repository's update logs.

5) How many languages does DistilBERT support?

istilBERT supports 104 different languages as listed in the provided repository, offer.




Hugging Face Transformers Knowledge Distillation DistilBERT Pytorch


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