Stanford's Alpaca

Stanford's Alpaca

Stanford Alpaca is a repository on GitHub developed by tatsu-lab that provides code and documentation for training Alpaca models, based on Stanford's LLaMA, and for generating data. The Alpaca model is an instruction-following AI model fine-tuned on a subset of the LLaMA dataset for specific applications. The primary aim of the project is to contribute to the research community by providing resources that can assist in building instruction-based models. Users can find the dataset, data generation process, and the fine-tuning code within the repository. It's important to note that the Alpaca model is intended for research purposes only, and the associated dataset is licensed for non-commercial use under CC BY NC 4.0. The repository encourages collaborative development, while also highlighting its limitations, urging researchers to use it with caution and contribute to its ethical development.

Top Features:
  1. Dataset Access: Access to the 52K data used for fine-tuning the model.

  2. Data Generation Code: Code for generating the necessary data for training.

  3. Fine-Tuning Procedure: Detailed instructions and procedures for fine-tuning the Alpaca models.

  4. Model Weights Recovery: Mechanism for recovering Alpaca-7B weights from the released weight difference.

  5. Licensing Information: Clear license indications for code and data usage.


1) What is Stanford Alpaca?

tanford Alpaca is a project aimed at developing and distributing an instruction-following LLaMA model for research purposes.

2) What does the Stanford Alpaca repository contain?

he repository includes a dataset, data generation code, fine-tuning procedures, and a weight difference file for the Alpaca-7B model.

3) Does Stanford Alpaca include code for training the model?

es, the repo provides code for both generating the data and the fine-tuning process.

4) What are the usage restrictions for Stanford Alpaca?

tanford Alpaca is licensed for non-commercial, research-only use under CC BY NC 4.



5) Are the model weights of the Alpaca-7B model released?

s of the knowledge cutoff date, intention to release has been expressed, pending permissions from the creators of LLaMA.





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