Stanford CRFM

Stanford CRFM

Discover Stanford CRFM's latest breakthrough in AI research with Alpaca, a cost-effective and academically focused instruction-following model. This innovative model is fine-tuned from Meta's LLaMA 7B and boasts an ability to perform tasks similar to OpenAI's text-davinci-003 while being notably smaller and easier to replicate. Alpaca embodies Stanford's commitment to democratize AI research by creating accessible assets, welcoming feedback, and encouraging community engagement in exploring model behaviors and capabilities. Dive into our detailed assessment and practical demonstrations, which highlight both the strengths and current limitations inherent in the model. Be a part of this scholarly endeavor to align AI developments with human values and contribute to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the AI research landscape.

Top Features:
  1. Cost-Effective Reproduction: Alpaca is a smaller AI model that can be reproduced for under $600 making advanced AI research more accessible.

  2. Fine-Tuning from LLaMA 7B: Utilizes Meta's LLaMA 7B model to achieve remarkable instruction-following capabilities.

  3. Instruction-Following Competency: Exhibits performance on par with OpenAI's text-davinci-003 in preliminary evaluations.

  4. Community-Driven Feedback: Stanford CRFM encourages user interaction and feedback to improve the model.

  5. Ethical Research Forward: Prioritizes academic research aligning AI with human values to address model deficiencies.





AI Research Alpaca Model Instruction-Following Replicable AI LLaMA 7B


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