

Rayyan is a powerful, intuitive tool designed for researchers and academic professionals to conduct systematic literature reviews collaboratively and efficiently. Whether you're working remotely, on-the-go, or offline, Rayyan offers the flexibility to collaborate with your research team anytime, anywhere. With more than 350,000 users worldwide, it addresses the needs of students, librarians, and researchers by providing advanced features such as onboarding, training, priority support, and AI-powered tools for organizing and managing reviews. Rayyan streamlines the review process with over 500 million reference articles already reviewed, and it supports a global community across 180+ countries. The platform offers various membership packages tailored to different user groups, including free plans for early career researchers and affordable options for professionals and students seeking advanced tools.

Top Features:
  1. Collaboration: Enables remote collaboration for distributed research teams and offers on-the-go access via a mobile app.

  2. Training and Support: Provides onboarding, training sessions, and priority support to enhance user productivity.

  3. AI-Powered Tools: Features AI-driven de-duplication and relevance ranking to accelerate the review process.

  4. Wide Accessibility: Accessible by students, librarians, researchers, and more from over 180 countries.

  5. Flexible Membership Options: Offers a range of plans, including free and paid options for individuals, teams, and organizations.


1) Who can benefit from using Rayyan?

tudents, librarians, researchers, and academic professionals from various disciplines and across 180 countries can benefit from using Rayyan.

2) What kind of support does Rayyan offer?

ayyan provides onboarding, training sessions, and priority support to enhance productivity and help users make the most of the platform.

3) Can I work on Rayyan reviews offline?

es, with the Rayyan mobile app, you have the flexibility to work on reviews even when offline.

4) Are there any free plans available on Rayyan?

ayyan offers free membership plans for early career researchers, with features including unlimited reviewer invites and industry-leading de-duplication.

5) How does Rayyan facilitate systematic literature reviews?

ayyan employs AI tools to understand language, learn from your decisions, and helps you quickly work through systematic literature reviews.






Collaborative Research Systematic Literature Review Academic Tools Remote Collaboration AI-Powered Platform


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