

Maximize your team's efficiency with Standuply's comprehensive process automation for Slack and Microsoft Teams. Standuply is the ultimate solution to increase productivity in hybrid workplaces by transforming agile workflows through automated standup meetings, retrospectives, planning poker, and more. Trusted by thousands of top businesses, this bot enables seamless management of team goals, performance, and daily to-dos while offering valuable insights with 360-degree feedback and team polls. Collaborate effectively using asynchronous video messages, engage in planning through backlog grooming, and tap into a community of experts. With Standuply, you get the power to lead your team to success and make better decisions rooted in improved communication and knowledge access.

Top Features:
  1. Process Automation: Streamline your agile processes with flexible asynchronous standup meetings using text voice or video.

  2. Team To-Do Lists: Effortlessly manage tasks within Slack or MS Teams and report progress with integrated task tracker surveys.

  3. Seamless Integrations: Connect Standuply to tools like Jira and GitHub to build Agile charts and facilitate backlog grooming and planning poker.

  4. 360 Degree Feedback: Foster a culture of growth with comprehensive feedback mechanisms.

  5. Expert Community Access: Enhance your team's knowledge by tapping into the Standuply Experts Community.





Process Automation Standup Meetings Asynchronous Communication Team Productivity Agile Workflow


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