

Experience a revolution in productivity with Spellpage, your magical to-do list that virtually completes tasks for you. Streamline your workflow with personal AI assistants who break down your tasks into manageable chunks, automating tedious processes and even conducting research on topics of interest. Boost your motivation with AI coaching, cheering you on to conquer your list of to-dos. Designed with dedication and creativity by Daniel and Irakli, Spellpage blends cutting-edge AI with a touch of love, croissants, and robotics to transform the way you work. Join our waitlist to access the enchantment of a highly efficient, AI-driven to-do list that brings your written goals to reality.

Top Features:
  1. Automated Task Completion: AI assistants strategically break down and complete tasks for you.

  2. AI Research: Personal AI agents research and compile information on your interests.

  3. Workflow Automation: Tedious processes are streamlined via intuitive AI task workflows.

  4. AI-Driven Motivation: Receive motivation coaching and support from an AI entity to finish tasks.

  5. Innovative Creation: Lovingly crafted by Daniel and Irakli with a unique blend of passion tech and pastries.





Personal AI Assistant Task Automation Productivity AI Motivation Task Management


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