

Sheriff is an innovative Slack bot designed to enhance team communication and efficiency within Slack workspaces. The bot facilitates easy management of rotating rosters, ensuring that there is always an available point of contact for team members needing assistance. With Sheriff, you can tag the bot in any channel to identify the current on-duty team member without spamming everyone with @channel alerts. The bot employs advanced AI language understanding to provide smart answers to common questions, learning from workspace conversations to reduce repetitive inquiries. This not only saves time but also allows teams to focus more on productive work. Sheriff also offers knowledge discovery features that help users locate the most knowledgeable people or relevant channels for specific topics. Additionally, Sheriff features a flexible setup for automatic rotating schedules, override options, and cross-channel interaction. This makes it simple to designate a ‘sheriff’ within any channel for a certain time frame (usually weekly) and to customize the schedule as needed. Getting started with Sheriff is easy and cost-effective. The service is free for the first 100 messages per month, with affordable paid plans based on usage. The integration is perfect for 1000+ companies of all sizes, with unlimited users and channels supported. It is ideal for tracking recurring meeting hosts, on-call personnel, or organizing team events seamlessly within Slack.

Top Features:
  1. Automatic Rotating Rosters: Assign and track roles in Slack channels with ease.

  2. Smart Answers: Utilize AI to automatically answer common questions and save time.

  3. Knowledge Discovery: Easily find the right person or channel for your query within Slack.

  4. Flexible Scheduling: Customizable and override-able rosters match your team's needs.

  5. Cross-Channel Functionality: Tag a sheriff from one channel to get help in another.


1) What does the sheriff bot do?

heriff bot lets you set up a rotating roster of users in a Slack channel to serve as the @sheriff for a set period (usually weekly).

he bot notifies the current sheriff when tagged, streamlines external team inquiries, answers questions, and tracks recurrent team roles.

2) Does sheriff get setup automatically in every channel?

o, sheriff setup is not automatic.

ou can choose the channels where you want to implement a sheriff roster.

3) Someone is on leave, how do I take over as sheriff?

ou can override the current sheriff to another member by using the '/sheriff override @username for 1 day' command.

4) How do I ask sheriff who to talk to?

y direct messaging Sheriff bot, it will suggest the best person or channel to address your question, which is determined based on previous channel conversations and the people involved.

5) Does sheriff bot learn from private DMs?

heriff bot cannot learn from or access private DMs on Slack.

sers have the option to preve.





Slack Bot Rotating Rosters AI Language Understanding Knowledge Discovery Team Communication


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