

Senja streamlines the process of gathering, managing, and sharing customer testimonials. Through a user-friendly interface, you can create engaging collection forms that make it simple to collect both video and text-based testimonials efficiently. The platform offers automated invitations, follow-ups, and status tracking, ensuring a higher response rate from satisfied customers. One of Senja's standout features is the ability to import reviews and social media posts from 18 different sources, centralizing all of your social proof in one accessible location. With advanced search filters, your team can quickly locate the perfect testimonial by customer name, keyword, tag, or job title. To boost your marketing efforts, Senja allows you to effortlessly add testimonial widgets to your landing pages, enhancing conversions through the power of social proof. In addition, the service enables you to create compelling images and videos from client testimonials, which can be shared across various social media platforms to enhance your brand's visibility and reputation. For a more impactful showcase of positive feedback, you can curate a Wall of Love on your website featuring the best testimonials, complete with customizable call-to-actions (CTAs). Lastly, Senja offers a powerful Chrome extension for managing your approved testimonials and case studies in one place, making it the ultimate tool for leveraging social proof to grow your business.

Top Features:
  1. Automated Testimonial Collection: Ability to create customized forms and automate the invitation process for easier collection of testimonials.

  2. Centralized Testimonial Management: Import and manage all testimonials in one hub with powerful filtering options.

  3. Social Proof Integration: Easy embedding of testimonial widgets to increase conversions on landing pages.

  4. Visual Testimonial Transformation: Turn raw testimonials into eye-catching images and videos for marketing use.

  5. Wall of Love Feature: Showcase best testimonials in a dedicated section on your website or social media.


1) What is Senja?

enja is a free tool designed to help businesses collect, manage, and share customer testimonials easily and effectively.

2) How can Senja help increase conversion rates?

y providing social proof through testimonials on landing pages, Senja can help increase trust and therefore conversion rates.

3) Can Senja import testimonials from other platforms?

es, Senja can import reviews and social posts from 18 different sources, allowing for easy management of all customer feedback in one place.

4) What are the ways to collect testimonials using Senja?

ou can create a testimonial collection form, invite customers directly, and even share forms via link, embed, or QR code.

5) Does Senja offer any tools for showcasing testimonials?

es, Senja offers features like the Wall of Love and testimonial widgets that can be used to display positive feedback on various platforms.






Testimonial Collection Testimonial Management Social Proof Video Testimonials Testimonial Widgets


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