Screenshot to Code

Screenshot to Code

The GitHub repository 'screenshot-to-code' by user 'abi' is an application that revolutionizes the way developers can generate code from visual inputs. By simply dropping in a screenshot, the tool employs the capabilities of GPT-4 Vision and DALL-E 3 to create clean, executable code in HTML, Tailwind CSS, or React. Additionally, users have the option to clone live websites by entering a URL, further easing the development process. This innovative app caters to the modern-day need for speed and efficiency in web development, allowing for quick iterations and prototyping, thus catering to a wide range of users, from solo developers to large teams looking to streamline their workflow.

Top Features:
  1. Convert Screenshots to Code: Transforms screenshots into HTML Tailwind CSS or React code.

  2. Clone Websites from URLs: Ability to enter URLs to clone and generate code for live websites.

  3. Integration with AI Tools: Utilizes OpenAI's GPT-4 Vision and DALL-E 3 to enhance the code generation process.

  4. Edit and Preview Code Live: Features an embedded code editor for on-the-fly code tweaking and live preview.

  5. Docker Support: Offers Docker configuration files for easy setup and deployment.


1) How does 'screenshot-to-code' work?

he tool uses GPT-4 Vision to interpret screenshots and generate corresponding code in HTML, Tailwind CSS, or React, and incorporates DALL-E 3 for image generation.

2) Do I need my own OpenAI API key to use 'screenshot-to-code'?

es, you need your own OpenAI API key with access to GPT-4 Vision to use the tool.

3) Can I contribute to the 'screenshot-to-code' project?

es, the project is open-source and welcomes contributions.

ou can provide feedback, feature requests, or bug reports through GitHub issues.

4) Is there a hosted version of 'screenshot-to-code' available?

es, there is a hosted version available where you can try out the tool by bringing your own OpenAI key.

5) What if I encounter an error setting up the backend?

here's troubleshooting documentation provided, and you can also open an issue on GitHub for support.






GitHub OpenAI GPT-4 Vision DALL-E 3 HTML


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