

Unleash the power of AI in your command-line interface with Butterfish, the innovative shell tool that integrates cutting-edge AI prompting from OpenAI into your bash or zsh shells. With Butterfish, users can engage in contextual conversations, receive command suggestions, and even prompt the AI for assistance by simply starting a command with a capital letter. This seamless blend of traditional CLI with AI autocomplete and assistance is designed to boost productivity and add a touch of magic to your command-line tasks. Whether you're debugging a command, seeking a pasta recipe, or simply querying the reason behind a command failure, Butterfish provides intelligible and high-context AI aid without the hassle of copy-pasting. Suitable for MacOS and Linux platforms, the open-source Butterfish is customizable and transparent in its operation, ensuring a user-friendly experience geared towards developers and tech enthusiasts.

Top Features:
  1. Seamless AI Integration: Integrate AI prompting into bash and zsh shells for intelligent command suggestions and assistance.

  2. Contextual Conversations: Engage with the AI using your shell history for context-aware interactions and problem-solving.

  3. Autocomplete Functionality: Improve command line efficiency with AI-powered command autocomplete.

  4. Goal Mode: Enter Goal Mode to let Butterfish autonomously execute commands to achieve objectives.

  5. Configurable & Open Source: Customize your experience with editable prompt wrappers and contribute to its open-source development.


1) What is Butterfish?

utterfish is a command-line shell tool that incorporates AI prompting with OpenAI technology into bash and zsh shells, offering context-aware assistance and command suggestions.

2) How can I install Butterfish?

o install Butterfish on MacOS, you can use Homebrew with the command `brew install bakks/bakks/butterfish`, and on Linux, you can use the command `go install github.



3) What can I do with Butterfish Shell?

utterfish allows you to ask questions directly from the command line, debug commands, autocomplete shell commands, and even handle non-shell tasks like requesting a pasta recipe.

4) Does Butterfish support GPT-4?

es, Butterfish uses gpt-3.


turbo by default but supports GPT-4 if you have access to it.

se the command `$ butterfish shell -m gpt-4` to utilize GPT-4.

5) How does Butterfish work alongside my existing shell?

utterfish aims to not interfere with your normal shell operation while providing an AI-powered l.





Command Line Interface AI Prompting OpenAI Integration Shell Autocomplete Developer Tools


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