

Reflect is an intuitive automated testing platform designed for rapid and efficient end-to-end web testing. With a focus on ease of creation and maintenance, Reflect provides a no-code solution to test automation, allowing teams to create tests without writing a single line of code. Utilizing Generative AI, Reflect targets web elements with plain-text instructions, cutting down development times and minimizing the impact of test maintenance. It offers a range of features, including visual and API testing, across different browsers to ensure comprehensive test coverage. With Reflect, quality assurance becomes a streamlined process, enabling faster deployments with confidence. Testers can build tests directly in the Reflect cloud browser and seamlessly transform manual tests into automated ones. This user-friendly platform is trusted by numerous companies to improve software quality without the traditional complexities associated with automation frameworks.

Top Features:
  1. Generative AI: Utilizes AI to create and adapt tests improving accuracy and maintainability.

  2. No-Code Test Automation: Makes tests easy to create without any coding knowledge.

  3. Visual Testing: Automatically detects visual regressions to ensure UI consistency.

  4. Cross-Browser Testing: Supports testing across different web browsers for wide compatibility.

  5. API Testing: Offers the capability to test APIs in conjunction with UI actions for complete end-to-end testing.


1) What is Reflect?

eflect is an end-to-end testing platform that enables automated web testing without the need for coding.

2) What does Generative AI mean in the context of Reflect?

enerative AI in Reflect describes the use of AI to automatically target web elements and create adaptive tests from plain-text instructions.

3) How quickly can I create a test with Reflect?

ou can create your first test within 2 minutes by using the Reflect cloud browser and without any installation or initial setup.

4) Do I need coding skills to use Reflect for test automation?

eflect accommodates a no-code approach for test creation, meaning no programming skills are required to generate automated tests.

5) Does Reflect offer a free trial?

eflect offers a free trial, allowing potential users to try the platform and experience its features firsthand before committing.






Generative AI Automated Testing Visual Regression End-to-End Tests No-Code Automation


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