Raw Query

Raw Query

Raw Query is an innovative solution designed to simplify your interactions with databases using natural language. It embodies the ease of having a conversation, allowing you to communicate with your database as if it were a teammate. Whether you need to acquire the email address of recent clients, add new sales, or update existing data, Raw Query is equipped to handle these tasks seamlessly. Developed to save time for both developers and business intelligence professionals, it eliminates the need to build internal tools or learn complex software. With its support for various databases, including Postgres, MySQL, and MariaDB, and a range of affordable plans, Raw Query ensures that your data management is efficient and secure, even on the go with mobile device compatibility.

Top Features:
  1. Data Assistant Integration: Communicate with your database using natural language for tasks like querying adding or updating data.

  2. Support for Multiple Databases: Compatibility with Postgres MySQL and MariaDB databases.

  3. Efficient and Time-Saving: Simplifies processes without the need for building internal tools or learning new software significantly saving time for developers and BI professionals.

  4. Flexible Subscription Plans: Offers a range of plans to fit various business sizes and needs—from free to professional tiers.

  5. Secure and Mobile-Friendly: Prioritizes security by securely storing connection strings and allows users to interact with their data on mobile devices.


1) What do you mean with natural language?

t means using simple, conversational English to communicate with your database instead of SQL commands.

2) Can I cancel it if I don't like it?

es, you can cancel at any time and update your subscription to a free plan within your settings.

3) What does a successful query mean?

successful query is one where the AI can understand and execute your request without needing additional context or specificity.

4) Which databases does it support?

aw Query currently supports Postgres, MySQL, and MariaDB, with Postgres also allowing data insertion and updates.

5) Does it work on mobile devices?

es, Raw Query is designed to work on mobile devices, so you can manage your data from anywhere.






Natural Language Interaction Database Management AI-Powered Query Postgres MySQL


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