Rapid Reply

Rapid Reply

Rapid Reply is an AI-powered email assistant designed for busy business owners and professionals inundated with daily emails. Recognizing the value of time efficiency in the business world, Rapid Reply offers an innovative solution to reduce the burden of email management. By integrating seamlessly with Gmail and Google Workspace, the platform offers fast, one-click email suggestions, allowing users to generate polite and contextually appropriate responses instantly. With features like dictation, customizable templates, and learning of personal writing style, Rapid Reply transforms the email experience, making it productive and enjoyable. The mobile-friendly nature of the tool ensures that users can handle their inbox on-the-go. You can get started with a free plan including 10 email suggestions per month and upgrade to premium for additional features and suggestion capacity, thereby saving precious hours each week that can be better invested in growing the business.

Top Features:
  1. One-click Email Suggestions: Generate full-length email drafts quickly with one click.

  2. Dictation: Convert spoken instructions into written email replies in seconds.

  3. Writing Style Adaptation: Learns and mimics your unique writing style for personalized communications.

  4. Customizable Templates: Save and utilize AI-powered email templates for consistent and efficient replies.

  5. Calendly Integration: Seamlessly include meeting links in your emails for easy scheduling.


1) Who is Rapid Reply For?

apid Reply is designed for business owners and executives who receive more than 20 emails a day, especially those in agencies, consultancies, and professional services.

2) Why did you create Rapid Reply?

apid Reply was created to provide business owners with more time for higher-value activities by minimizing the time spent on email correspondence.

3) How does Rapid Reply work?

apid Reply is a Chrome Extension for desktop Gmail and a Google Workspace Add-On for mobile that suggests email responses which you can edit and send.

4) What are the alternatives to Rapid Reply?

lternatives include a human assistant, using standard Gmail, or using Superhuman (a heavyweight email app), however, Rapid Reply offers simplicity and tight integration with Gmail.

5) Does Rapid Reply protect my data and privacy?

es, Rapid Reply ensures data privacy by not saving or storing your emails and not selling your data.

pen AI's model used by the software improves with user data in aggre.





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