

QuickSEO offers a streamlined and effective solution for optimizing your website's SEO performance. As a user-friendly alternative to Google Search Console, QuickSEO simplifies the SEO process, enabling you to effortlessly track and enhance your website's visibility on Google. It is an invaluable tool for both beginners and experienced SEO professionals, offering features such as keyword tracking, content idea generation through AI, advanced filtering and keyword sorting. QuickSEO integrates seamlessly with Google Search Console to import your site’s data, providing you with actionable insights to improve your traffic. Currently available for free, QuickSEO plans to introduce a paid plan in the future, with a lifetime discount for early adopters.

Top Features:
  1. SEO Tracking: Effortlessly track your keyword performance including clicks, impressions, CTR, and average position.

  2. Content Ideas with AI: Generate content ideas for your best performing keywords using AI technology.

  3. User-Friendly Analytics: View Google Search Console data in a more accessible, user-friendly format.

  4. Advanced Filtering & Sorting: Utilize filters and sorting options to analyze keywords more effectively.

  5. Free Access with Future Benefit: Take advantage of QuickSEO for free and receive a lifetime discount for future paid plans.


1) Why not just to use Google Search Console?

uickSEO offers a simpler, more user-friendly interface to display keyword data that brings traffic to your website, along with AI-generated content ideas based on those keywords.

2) How much does it cost?

uickSEO is currently free.

owever, a paid plan is expected to be launched in the future, with lifetime discounts available to early adopters.

3) How does the AI-generated content idea feature work?

sing AI, QuickSEO takes your best performing keywords and produces content ideas, helping you create new and relevant content for your site.

4) Is QuickSEO suitable for beginners in SEO?

es, QuickSEO is suitable for beginners, offering an easy-to-use interface that simplifies the SEO process without the complexity of Google Search Console.






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