

Wavyr Prototyper offers a cutting-edge solution to rapidly prototype user interfaces with the help of artificial intelligence. With this innovative tool, users can convert simple text prompts or design screenshots into working code. This powerful generator supports multiple frameworks such as Tailwind, HTML, and React, making it flexible for various development needs. The platform is highly interactive, allowing for real-time iteration and code changes while viewing live results. Collaboration features enable workspaces for different organizations and teams, as well as inviting team members through email to work on prototypes together. Wavyr Prototyper is tailored to enhance the project workflow, increase efficiency and elevate the generative UI design process. Users can get started for free without providing credit card details and can upgrade to more advanced plans as projects scale.

Top Features:
  1. Industry-leading AI: Prototyper includes top-tier AI software that generates code from basic text prompts or visual designs.

  2. Workspaces: Manage projects across different organizations and teams from a unified dashboard and invite collaborators easily.

  3. Collaboration built-in: Work on projects collectively with team members within shared virtual workspaces.

  4. Multiple Frameworks: Accommodates a variety of frameworks right from the start, from Tailwind and HTML to React.

  5. Interactive Prototyping: Directly engage with and refine prototypes in real-time, instantly observing code modifications.


1) How does Prototyper work?

rototyper uses artificial intelligence to transform text descriptions or screenshots into code, which can then be refined and implemented into your apps.

2) How do I describe my idea to Prototyper?

ou can describe your idea via simple text prompts or by uploading design screenshots.

3) What frameworks does Prototyper support?

rototyper supports multiple frameworks such as Tailwind, HTML, and React.

4) Can I interact directly with the prototypes and see real-time results?

es, you can directly interact with your prototypes, make changes to the UI in real-time, and see the results immediately.

5) What are the pricing plans for Prototyper?

rototyper offers a free basic plan that you can start with and upgrade to more advanced plans as your needs evolve.






Wavyr AI-Powered Prototyping User Interface Design Prototyping Tool Real-Time Iteration


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