GEES is revolutionizing the design world with its all-in-one AI design platform, where the future is all about seamless transitions between different design modes within a single file. Currently in its beta version, GEES has rolled out its whiteboard mode and UI design mode, with exciting plans to introduce prototype design and graphic design modes soon. This platform is a game-changer, embedding AI assistance across all design modes to turbocharge your design workflows like never before. Imagine a world where every design task, whether it's UI/UX design, graphic design, product management, development, or marketing, can all converge in one unified file. That's the promise of GEES – to deliver a superior design and collaboration experience for everyone involved in the creative process. GEES is not just another design tool; it's an AI-powered collaborative ecosystem built for the future of design. It seamlessly integrates various design disciplines, from UI/UX and prototyping to graphic design, all while incorporating interactive whiteboards to streamline the journey from concept to completion. Its user-friendly interface empowers designers of any skill level to explore their creativity and achieve precision in their projects, making collaboration effortless with a focus on communication and real-time updates. With GEES, the days of switching between multiple software solutions are over. This platform represents the perfect blend of functionality and simplicity, enabling designers and developers to work together efficiently on the same platform. Dive into the future of design with GEES, where AI enhances creativity and productivity reaches new heights.

Top Features:
  1. Integrated Design Tools: A suite of UI/UX, prototyping, and graphic design tools all in one place.

  2. Whiteboard Collaboration: Interactive whiteboards to facilitate team brainstorming and planning.

  3. Real-time Collaboration: Features that enable team members to work together in real-time.

  4. Streamlined Process: Simplifies the transition from an idea to a final product, supporting both designers and developers.

  5. AI-Powered: Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to enhance the design process.





All-In-One Design Platform UI/UX Prototyping Graphic Design Whiteboard Collaboration

Tech used:

JavaScript React Sentry Google Tag Manager Google Fonts


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