Open-Assistant SFT-4 12B Model

Open-Assistant SFT-4 12B Model

Discover the cutting-edge capabilities of OpenAssistant's oasst-sft-4-pythia-12b-epoch-3.5, a transformative language model designed to redefine conversational AI. As part of the Hugging Face repository, this model represents the Open-Assistant project's fourth iteration of English supervised fine-tuning (SFT). Leveraging the powerful Pythia 12B as its foundation, it has been meticulously fine-tuned with real human conversations to ensure a natural and responsive interaction experience. The model is underpinned by openness, developed by contributors aiming to advance AI through collaborative efforts, and is licensed under Apache 2.0, emphasizing its accessibility for developers and researchers alike.

Top Features:
  1. Innovative Supervised Fine-Tuning: Enhanced with human-like conversational abilities through real human interactions.

  2. Transformer-Based Architecture: Built on the robust Pythia 12B model to deliver high-quality language understanding and generation.

  3. Extensive Language Support: Trained on multiple languages, ensuring versatility in global communication contexts.

  4. Open Source Collaboration: Made possible by the contributions of the Open-Assistant community, fostering collective AI advancement.

  5. State-of-the-Art Model Training: Utilizes cutting-edge training methods including DeepSpeed and flash attention for efficient scaling.




Transformer-Based Language Model Supervised Fine-Tuning Pythia 12B Open Source Apache License


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