

Netomi stands at the forefront of conversational AI, delivering exceptional enterprise-level customer service support. As more than just a chatbot, Netomi's automated customer service platform ensures that your hard-won customers receive the care they deserve. With a suite of powerful tools, Netomi boosts support team capacity by up to 50X, achieves a 90% resolution rate, and helps reduce support costs by 50%. The platform caters to numerous industries including eCommerce, Entertainment, Fintech, SaaS, Telecommunications, and Travel & Hospitality. It empowers both customers and agents by offering proactive and automated customer care, all while maintaining brand safety and security through its Sanctioned Generative AI. Integrating seamlessly within your customer experience (CX) stack, Netomi offers a hassle-free setup and management with its easy configuration and comprehensive integration capabilities, making it an intelligent choice for elevating your mission-critical CX processes.

Top Features:
  1. Sanctioned Generative AI: Merges generative tech with LLMs to handle customer inquiries safely.

  2. Automated Customer Care: Proactively addresses support needs while reducing resolution time.

  3. Empowered Customers and Agents: Offers tools for automatic resolution and complex request assistance.

  4. Seamless Tech Stack Integration: Integrates with existing systems without the need for stack changes.

  5. Easy Config & Management: Netomi's interface allows simple backend integration and workflow creation.


1) How does Netomi AI improve customer support?

etomi AI helps streamline customer support by responding to customer needs swiftly, with an intent to automatically resolve over 80% of inquiries, thereby improving customer satisfaction and reducing support costs.

2) What role does Sanctioned Generative AI play in Netomi?

etomi utilizes Sanctioned Generative AI to safely and efficiently respond to more customer queries while ensuring brand safety and security.

3) What industries does Netomi cater to?

etomi supports a range of industries including eCommerce, Entertainment, Fintech, SaaS, Telecommunications, and Travel & Hospitality.

4) What channels can Netomi integrate with?

etomi AI is fully integrated and can work across various channels such as email, messaging, web chat, in-app chat, SMS, search, voice, as well as seamlessly with existing CRM and agent desks.

5) Is Netomi easy to configure and manage?

he platform can be easily configured and managed through a simple interface that allows.





Conversational AI Enterprise Customer Service Automated Customer Support Generative AI Customer Experience Enhancement


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