Mr. Cook - Recipe Generator

Mr. Cook - Recipe Generator

Your digital cookbook. Store, organize, and share all your recipes in one app. Core features: Create unique recipes using artificial intelligence 🤖 Add, edit and delete recipes 📝 Team functionality 👥 Automatic recipe import from URL 📥 Upload images 🖼️ Search for recipes 🕵️‍♀️ Organize recipes with tags 🏷️ Print recipes 🖨️ Export recipes to JSON 📤 Multi-language support 🌐 Dark mode 🌙

Top Features:
  1. Create unique recipes using artificial intelligenceAdd, edit and delete recipesTeam functionalityAutomatic recipe import from URLUpload images.



What is Mr.


t's a recipe management application that makes saving, sharing, and organizing recipes a breeze.

2) How much does it cost?

he app is currently in development and it's completely free to use.

he goal is to make a product you'll love, so stay tuned for new features and content in the coming months.

3) How do I add a recipe?

ust click the "Add recipe" button in the upper right corner and enter the information about your recipe.

4) How do I get help?

f you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact for assistance.






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