

Metastory is revolutionizing the realm of product management by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to streamline the requirements gathering process. With a platform designed by product owners for product owners, metastory ensures the fastest and smartest approach to product development. This tool focuses on three core pillars: AI-Based Assistance, UI-Based Documentation, and seamless JIRA Integration, providing invaluable support at each step of the project management journey. AI-Based Assistance offers collective intelligence, helping you to overcome the challenges of requirements gathering swiftly. Meanwhile, UI-Based Documentation bridges the gap between user interface and requirements, allowing for a smooth transition and clear communication throughout the planning and development stages. Lastly, with its Pre-JIRA Tool capabilities, it integrates perfectly with JIRA, enabling product owners to outline requirements rapidly and initiate projects with a fresh perspective, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Top Features:
  1. AI-Based Assistance: Streamlines the requirement gathering process with collective intelligence and machine learning.

  2. UI-Based Documentation: Provides a clear connection between user interfaces and project requirements for better planning.

  3. JIRA Integration: Offers seamless compatibility with JIRA to enhance project management capabilities.

  4. Designed For Product Owners: Tailor-made to suit the unique needs of product owners in managing and tracking the development process.

  5. Fast Requirement Outlining: Accelerates the creation and organization of product requirements for efficient project kickoff.





AI-Based Assistance UI-Based Documentation JIRA Integration Product Development Requirements Gathering


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