Jackrabbit Ops

Jackrabbit Ops

Jackrabbit Ops offers an innovative AI system that acts as an automated sales development representative (SDR) to ensure businesses never miss a new customer. This tool provides instant responses to incoming leads, qualifies them effectively, and schedules meetings without human intervention. This process is not only efficient but also cost-effective, operating at just 10% of the cost of a traditional SDR. By handling 100% of Request for Quotations (RFQs) with personalized replies within an hour, Jackrabbit Ops enhances the lead engagement process. Prospective customers with a genuine intent to buy are identified, and meetings are booked to facilitate sales closure. The platform boasts ease of use, with simple no-tricks pricing, and is available 24/7 with real-time company knowledge. With Jackrabbit Ops, your sales funnel is on autopilot, enabling you to track all leads in one place, train the AI on your business profile, and monitor performance with available invoices and receipts for company reimbursement.

Top Features:
  1. Instant Lead Response: The AI system responds to leads immediately ensuring engagement is rapid and consistent.

  2. Lead Qualification: Leads are evaluated to identify potential customers with the intent to purchase.

  3. Meeting Booking: The tool seamlessly schedules calls or meetings with qualified leads to advance the sales process.

  4. Sales Funnel Automation: Jackrabbit Ops puts your sales funnel on autopilot saving time and reducing manual efforts.

  5. Cost Efficiency: The service costs approximately 10% of what a traditional sales development representative (SDR) would making it a budget-friendly alternative.


1) What is Jackrabbit Ops?

ackrabbit Ops is an AI system that automates the response to incoming leads, qualifies them, and books meetings, simulating the roles of a sales development representative.

2) How much does Jackrabbit Ops cost?

he pricing for early access to Jackrabbit Ops is $99 per month.

3) What features does Jackrabbit Ops provide?

ackrabbit Ops offers features such as instant lead response, lead qualification, meeting booking, sales funnel automation, and cost efficiency at a fraction of the cost of an SDR.

4) Does Jackrabbit Ops provide invoices and receipts for their service?

es, invoices and receipts are provided for easy company reimbursement.

5) How does Jackrabbit Ops compare to a traditional SDR?

ackrabbit Ops claims that their system can outperform traditional SDRs by being available 24/7 and providing real-time company knowledge.






AI Sales Assistant Lead Response Automation Meeting Scheduling Sales Funnel Automation RFQ Handling


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