

How2 is an innovative AI-powered tool designed for use within the command-line interface, particularly targeting users who work with Unix Terminal, Bash, Zsh, and PowerShell. This intelligent assistant offers assistance by suggesting shell commands and crafting entire scripts on the fly. With How2, users can easily streamline their command-line workflow by utilizing up to 5 free AI-driven query suggestions per day. For those requiring more extensive help, a subscription service is available. Concerns about safety are addressed as How2 does not execute commands, but rather provides suggestions, taking measures to prevent misuse such as code injection. The user-friendly tool is available for multiple operating systems and can be installed via package managers like Homebrew for MacOSX or directly from the website for Linux and Windows. Developers and command-line enthusiasts can benefit from How2's smart features, reducing the time spent searching for command syntax or StackOverflow solutions, and instead focusing on productive coding.

Top Features:
  1. AI-Powered Command Suggestions: How2 uses AI models to propose shell commands and script solutions right from your Unix Terminal.

  2. Free Queries: Benefit from 5 free queries every day to help with your command-line tasks and scripting.

  3. Safety Assured: How2 prioritizes user safety by suggesting commands without executing them and includes measures to prevent code injection.

  4. StackOverflow Integration: Add the -s option to your query to leverage How2's search capability on StackOverflow through Google.

  5. Multiple OS Support: Download and install How2 on MacOSX Ubuntu/Debian other Linux distros Windows and even through npm for convenience.


1) What is How2?

ow2 is an AI tool that suggests code and entire scripts right in your Terminal by using AI models trained on shell commands.

2) Is How2 free to use?

ow2 provides suggestions for up to 5 queries per day for free.

f you need more, you can subscribe to their service.

3) How do I download How2?

ou can download How2 for MacOSX using Homebrew, for Ubuntu/Debian using wget or manual download, for other Linux distributions and Windows directly from the How2 website.

4) Can How2 search StackOverflow for programming answers?

es, How2 includes an option to search StackOverflow for answers using the -s flag in your queries.

5) Does How2 work with PowerShell too?

hile How2 primarily suggests shell commands for Unix Terminal and Bash, it is also designed to work with PowerShell scripts.






Command-Line AI Unix Terminal Bash Scripting PowerShell StackOverflow Search


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