geekan/MetaGPT - GitHub

geekan/MetaGPT - GitHub

MetaGPT is a cutting-edge Multi-Agent Framework operating on GitHub, developed by the username 'geekan'. It is designed to significantly streamline the software development process by taking a single-line requirement and automatically generating a Product Requirements Document (PRD), Design plans, Tasks, and a Repository (Repo). This AI-powered tool acts as a virtual team, including the roles of product managers, architects, project managers, and engineers, to deliver a range of outputs such as user stories, competitive analysis, requirements, data structures, APIs, and documents. The framework abides by the principle that 'Code equals SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) applied to a Team', turning abstract SOPs into concrete tasks for Language Model-driven teams.

Top Features:
  1. Multi-Agent Collaboration: Assign different roles to GPT agents to accomplish complex tasks collaboratively.

  2. Automated Software Development Cycle: Automatically generate PRD Design Tasks and Repo from a single-line requirement.

  3. Software Company Simulation: Experience the entire process of a software company with orchestrated SOPs.

  4. Incremental Development: Facilitates incremental builds on top of previous work or existing codebases.

  5. Multilingual and Multiprogramming Language Support: Experimental features that support multiple languages and programming languages.


1) What is MetaGPT?

etaGPT is a GitHub repository that provides a Multi-Agent Framework capable of transforming a single-line requirement into a full set of development documents including a PRD, design plans, tasks list, and repository setup.

2) How can I use MetaGPT?

o use MetaGPT, you need to clone the repository, install it through pip, and then run the MetaGPT CLI.

t requires Python 3.


or higher and optionally NPM for certain functions related to diagrams and system designs.

3) What does MetaGPT stand for?

etaGPT stands for the integration of multiple machine learning models, particularly Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), to perform roles usually handled by humans in software development, such as product management and code generation.

4) What are the recent updates in MetaGPT?

he latest notable update is version 0.




released on December 15, which introduced incremental development, along with multilingual support, multiple programming languages support, CLI support, an.





GitHub MetaGPT Multi-Agent Framework PRD Software Development


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