House of Pitch

House of Pitch

House of Pitch offers a groundbreaking platform dedicated to streamlining the outreach process for individuals and organizations looking to pitch their news, services, or ideas. With an emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness, House of Pitch allows users to create concise, 50-word pitches in just a minute, eliminating the time-consuming efforts typically associated with crafting proposals and seeking contact information for prospective recipients. The platform boasts a curated list of top-tier journalists and investors, referred to as the AAA list, ensuring pitches reach an interested and responsive audience. Users receive a straightforward "Yes" or "No" response, significantly reducing the uncertainty and waiting periods often faced in traditional pitching. Moreover, the system is designed to support both pitchers and recipients. For pitchers, it promises a warm welcome for cold pitches, with an acceptance rate above 30% reported. Successful pitches have resulted in media features and investment deal discussions. Recipients, on the other hand, receive well-crafted and relevant pitches, cutting through the clutter of their mailboxes. The upcoming Automated AI-routing will further refine the process by matching pitches to recipients based on preferred beats, with the option for recipients to switch to idle mode during vacations. The House of Pitch platform values privacy and is fully compliant with personal data regulations, ensuring users' data is never sold or shared.

Top Features:
  1. Create Concise Pitches: Develop a short, impactful pitch in just a minute.

  2. Curated AAA List: Access to a vetted list of journalists and investors.

  3. Immediate Feedback: Get a Yes or No response without prolonged waiting.

  4. High Acceptance Rate: Enjoy over a 30% average acceptance rate for pitches.

  5. Privacy Compliance: Assured adherence to personal data regulations.


1) What is House of Pitch?

ouse of Pitch is a platform where you can pitch your news, services, or ideas to a curated list of journalists and investors.

2) How do I create a pitch on House of Pitch?

ou can create a pitch by simply summarizing what your story is about and why it matters in 50 words.

3) Will I receive direct feedback on my pitch?

es, you receive a straightforward Yes or No response to every pitch you send.

4) What is the success rate of pitches on House of Pitch?

ouse of Pitch has an average acceptance rate above 30%, and successful pitches often lead to media features or investment deal discussions.

5) How does House of Pitch handle user data privacy?

ouse of Pitch is fully compliant with personal data regulations, meaning your data will never be sold or shared in any form.






Outreach Pitching Platform Journalists Investors Cold Pitches


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