The paper titled "GLaM: Efficient Scaling of Language Models with Mixture-of-Experts" presents a novel approach to language model development that improves efficiency and performance. Traditional dense models like GPT-3 have achieved breakthroughs in natural language processing (NLP) through scaling with large datasets and increased computational power. However, this scaling comes at a high cost in terms of resources. The proposed GLaM model addresses this issue by introducing a sparsely activated mixture-of-experts architecture. This allows GLaM to have a significantly larger number of parameters—1.2 trillion, which is about 7 times that of GPT-3—while reducing both the energy requirements and computation needed for training and inference. Remarkably, GLaM also outperforms GPT-3 in zero-shot and one-shot learning across 29 NLP tasks, marking a step forward in the quest for more efficient and powerful language models.

Top Features:
  1. Large Model Capacity: The GLaM model has 1.

  2. 2 trillion parameters.

  3. Enhanced Efficiency: Training GLaM consumes only a third of the energy compared to GPT-3.

  4. Reduced Computational Requirements: GLaM requires half the computation flops for inference.

  5. Outstanding Performance: GLaM achieves better overall performance in zero-shot and one-shot learning tasks.

  6. Innovative Architecture: GLaM utilizes a sparsely activated mixture-of-experts framework.


1) What is the GLaM model?

LaM stands for Generalist Language Model and it is a family of language models that leverage a sparsely activated mixture-of-experts architecture to increase efficiency and performance.

2) How does GLaM compare to GPT-3 in terms of parameters?

LaM has 1.


trillion parameters, approximately 7 times larger than GPT-3.

3) What are the benefits of using a mixture-of-experts architecture in GLaM?

he mixture-of-experts architecture allows for greater model capacity and efficiency by activating only the relevant parts of the model as needed, which reduces overall computational requirements.

4) How does GLaM's performance in NLP tasks compare to GPT-3?

LaM outperforms GPT-3 in both zero-shot and one-shot learning across 29 NLP tasks.

5) What are the energy and computation savings achieved by GLaM?

LaM consumes only one-third of the energy and requires half the computation flops for inference compared to training GPT-3.





GLaM Language Models Mixture-of-Experts GPT-3 Natural Language Processing


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