

Turn your ideas, bookmarks and reading lists into a first draft of what you’re writing 10X faster with Frontdoor. Capture anything (PDFs, YT Videos, Articles, Tweets) and have them automatically summarised and organised. Ask follow up questions with your reading list to get the key takeaways Start writing 10X faster with AI guiding you along the way It's the perfect tool for students and researchers looking to expedite their writing projects with confidence that what’s being written is grounded in citations. ChatGPT can’t help you write your essays better, but Frontdoor can.

Top Features:
  1. Quick summariesInteract with your sources using chatbotWorks with PDFslinks and YouTube videosIntegrate with X and Pocket.


1) How much does it cost?

oday, Frontdoor is completely free for early beta testers 2) Why wouldn't I just use ChatGPT?Unlike ChatGPT, Frontdoor can help you through all stages of your research workflow: from capturing ideas/forming a reading list -> getting the key takeaways -> starting writing grounded in the sources you provide3) Is my data used to train your AI?None of the data you provide is used to train models4) How can I get in touch with you?You can drop our founders an email at 'founders@frontdoor.


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