

FranklyAI serves as a strategic access point within Microsoft Teams that connects teams to a variety of pre-approved generative AI models, including large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT. It provides a secure and moderated way to integrate generative AI capabilities, enhancing staff productivity, AI integration, smart automation, and maintaining AI privacy within an organization. Designed with corporate security in mind, FranklyAI ensures that employees have a safe environment for leveraging the benefits of AI technology without exposing the organization to the risks commonly associated with uncontrolled access through web browsers. Its integration with Microsoft Teams positions it as a convenient and powerful AI tool that can handle simple Chabot tasks to more complex data processing and insights generation, all while asking the critical questions to garner deeper understanding for business analytics and insights.

Top Features:
  1. Secure Access: Provides businesses with secure access to Generative AI through Microsoft Teams.

  2. Unleash AI Potential: Offers integration of generative AI into organizational operations for task automation.

  3. Bespoke Solutions: Creates customized data science and generative AI solutions tailored to specific business needs.

  4. Staff Productivity: Enhances employee productivity with smart automation and interaction through ChatGPT.

  5. Safe and Moderated Use: Ensures the moderated use of AI technologies within a secure and controlled environment.


1) What does FranklyAI offer for Microsoft Teams?

ranklyAI provides secure access to a range of pre-approved generative AI models including large language models like ChatGPT, ensuring a safe and secure usage within an organization's Microsoft Teams environment.

2) Is FranklyAI suitable for businesses looking to use AI smartly and securely?

es, FranklyAI is designed for businesses wanting to integrate AI capabilities into their operations securely through Microsoft Teams, offering smart automation, AI privacy, and enhanced staff productivity.

3) How does FranklyAI ensure the safe use of generative AI?

he platform ensures that access is controlled and moderated, providing a safer alternative to using generative AI through browser-based interfaces which may pose risks.

4) What is the role of FranklyAI in using generative AI models?

ranklyAI functions as a broker for Microsoft Teams to provide only pre-approved generative AI models for use within an organization, enhancing security and produ.





Microsoft Teams Generative AI Large Language Models ChatGPT Staff Productivity


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