

Default is a cutting-edge inbound GTM (Go-to-Market) platform designed to optimize the lead qualification, scheduling, and routing process for B2B companies. The platform has recently secured a $6.6 million seed round led by Craft Ventures, showcasing its potential to revolutionize how revenue teams manage their inbound leads. With Default, businesses can consolidate their go-to-market tech stack into a single, integrated platform, eliminating the need for multiple point solutions. It offers a variety of features including platform scheduling, workflows, forms, integrations, and solutions tailored for different roles in revenue teams including marketing, sales, and operations. The intuitive interface allows for easy creation of powerful drag-and-drop workflows, lightning-fast scheduling for meetings, sophisticated lead routing, and no-code, conversion-optimized lead forms. Default seamlessly integrates with your existing CRM and sales tools to create a unified inbound process that aims to double conversion rates, streamline operations, and accelerate the sales pipeline.

Top Features:
  1. Consolidated GTM Stack: A unified platform integrating qualification scheduling and routing for go-to-market strategies.

  2. Drag-and-Drop Workflows: Construct powerful intuitive workflows for lead qualification scheduling and routing.

  3. Rapid Scheduling: Implement best-in-class scheduling to book meetings and route leads instantly.

  4. Lead Routing and Qualification: Advanced workflows allowing for seamless CRM updates and improved lead handling.

  5. Conversion-Optimized Forms: Elegant no-code forms that automatically enrich leads and easily integrate with websites.


1) What is Default?

efault is an all-in-one platform that simplifies the management of inbound leads by offering integrated qualification, scheduling, and routing solutions.

2) How much funding has Default raised, and who led the round?

efault has secured a $6.


million seed funding round led by Craft Ventures.

3) What are some key features of Default?

he platform features drag-and-drop workflow automation, lightning-fast meeting scheduling, and powerful tools for lead routing and no-code form creation.

4) How does Default integrate with existing sales and marketing platforms?

efault integrates with CRM systems and sales execution platforms to automate and align sales and marketing efforts across the inbound lead lifecycle.

5) How can I see a demo of Default?

o see Default in action and understand how it can transform your inbound marketing and sales operations, you can book a demo through their website.






Inbound GTM Lead Qualification Scheduling Solution Routing Solution CRM Integration


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