

ContextClue is an AI-powered tool for document processing. It excels in handling vast amounts of textual data and allows users to ask specific questions to extract desired information accurately.ContextClue offers high-level security, dedicated maintenance, and tailored customization capabilities to meet the company’s needs. The tool was developed by Addepto, a company recognized as one of the top AI and Data Science companies worldwide. The core mission of the company is to build cutting-edge AI solutions that go beyond theoretical applications, focusing on addressing real-life problems faced by companies across various industries.

Top Features:
  1. Unparalleled safetyDedicated maintenance supportCustomization capabilitiesEnhance data securityReceive dedicated assistanceTailor the solution to meet your unique enterprise needs.


1) What Large Language Models are supported by ContextClue?

one LLM is hard-coded in ContextClue.

sers can choose the one it delivers they can work with and connect it via LangsChain Agents.

2) Are the answers delivered by ContextClue trustworthy?

eneral-purpose chatbots such as ChatGPT are known for making things up, but ContextClue – although it can use LLM such as GPT (that powers ChatGPT) – forms the answers based solely on the content from the document you delivered.

3) Do answers consider the context of the whole conversation?

n an open-source version – no.

ach question is answered independently of the prior questions.

owever, there are no obstacles to extending the code and implementing the chat-like QA module.






Document research Talk with documents PDF AI Chat with PDF Document processing


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