Code Snippets AI

Code Snippets AI

Code Snippets AI is an all-in-one AI powered code snippets platform for developers. The Code Snippets AI desktop app is an enhanced chat interface for the most popular Open and Closed-Source LLMs. Enabling developers to chat with the latest AI models Including OpenAI GPT-4, Mixtral 8x7B, Capybara 7B. Use the FREE Desktop app with any IDE, simply index the folder where your project is located, and Code Snippets AI will index your project for the AI's context. Code Snippets AI listens to changes in your codebase, feeding the latest changes to your chat context. It can help generate and refactor code, improve readability, and detect and correct errors. It also provides secure and private storage for code snippets, allowing developers to collaborate with their team members. Code Snippets AI also provides an IDE extension, making it faster and easier to write code that just works. In addition, it offers code analysis, error detection and correction, and code explanation features to help developers understand the structure and relationships within code, making it easier to maintain. Code Snippets AI offers a free plan for individual users, and paid plans for teams with additional features and tokens. These tokens can be used for AI code generation, code review, refactoring and debugging.

Top Features:
  1. The Code Snippets AI desktop app is an enhanced chat interface for the most popular Open and Closed-Source LLMs.

  2. Chat with your codebase and the latest AI models Including OpenAI GPT-4, Mixtral 8x7B, Capybara 7B.

  3. Code Snippets AI listens to changes in your codebase, feeding the latest changes to your chat context.


1) What makes Code Snippets AI different?

he Code Snippets AI desktop app is an enhanced chat interface for the most popular Open and Closed-Source LLMs.

nabling developers to chat with the latest AI models Including OpenAI GPT-4, Claude2, Mixtral 8x7B, Capybara 7B.

Multiple Open-Source and Closed-Source models can be used in same chat, in our desktop app.

o long as the model you are switching to has a sufficient token context window to support the current chat length.

Contextual awareness is achieved through local codebase indexing and vectorization with computed embeddings from OpenAI.

2) What languages do we support?

ython, JavaScript (and TypeScript), Java, C, C++, C#, Ruby, Go, Rust, Swift, Kotlin, PHP, SQL3) Can you see my code?All written-input interactions with AI models are monitored for safety as per OpenAI guidelines.

We never use, view, or have access to records of your code input/output.

We NEVER share or use your code to further train any AI Models.

ALL code that yo.




Tech used:

Next.js Supabase Firebase Chrome extension development vscode extension


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