

Beamcast revolutionizes your interaction with AI, bringing the power of ChatGPT directly to your fingertips. With Beamcast, you can harness the capabilities of advanced AI models across any website you visit. This user-friendly tool allows you to write smarter, code faster, and ask questions quicker. Beamcast offers a range of features, which include built-in commands to enhance productivity, cloud synchronization of commands for access across browsers, custom prompt input for tailored AI interactions, and fast integration that ensures you can execute AI commands effortlessly on any site. The extension uses OpenAI's cutting-edge models, providing unparalleled performance and convenience. Beamcast's pricing is flexible with a free tier that includes 50 credits and access to GPT-3.5, and a premium option that grants you access to an extensive selection of models and a higher credit allocation every month. Designed to be seamlessly integrated into your browser, Beamcast ensures your AI commands are a click away, no matter where you are on the web.

Top Features:
  1. Built-in Commands: A curated list of practical AI commands to boost your productivity.

  2. Cloud Sync: Commands are securely stored and synced across browsers with the extension.

  3. Custom Prompt Input: Run any prompt you desire and let AI handle the rest.

  4. State-of-the-Art AI Models: Powered by OpenAI to run your commands.

  5. Flexible Pricing: Options include a free tier and a premium yearly subscription.


1) Who made this app?

eamcast is created by a team of developers committed to improving productivity through AI integration.

2) What are credits?

redits are used to run AI commands through the extension.

ifferent actions consume varying amounts of credits.

3) Can I request a refund?

f you are not satisfied with your premium subscription, you can reach out to Beamcast's customer support to inquire about their refund policy.






ChatGPT Integration Productivity Tools AI-Powered Extension Browser Integration OpenAI Models


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