Ask Command

Ask Command

Ask Command is an innovative AI-powered Developer Assistant designed as a native macOS application to help developers quickly recall commands they often forget. The app leverages OpenAI's GPT-3 to generate the most appropriate Unix commands in response to user queries. Designed for ease of use, it saves developers time by eliminating the need to search Google for forgotten commands. While using Ask Command, it is essential to verify each suggested command for safety and never execute commands without understanding them. The Beta version of Ask Command is currently available for download and requires macOS 10.15 or later. Adding to its reliability, the app is sandboxed, ensuring it cannot make changes to your system or run commands on your behalf.

Top Features:
  1. AI-Powered Command Suggestions: Utilizes GPT-3 technology to recommend Unix commands based on user queries.

  2. Time-Saving: Designed to save the time spent on looking up forgotten commands in search engines.

  3. Safe and Secure: The sandboxed macOS app cannot alter your system or execute commands ensuring safety in use.

  4. Continuous Improvement: Questions and answers are recorded server-side to enhance app performance and accuracy.

  5. User-Friendly Interface: A native application that avoids the need for web browsers and streamlines the developer's workflow.


1) What kind of questions can I ask the app?

ou can ask the app about popular Unix commands and some basic logic and conditions, such as listing all files older than 3 months.

2) Is it safe to run the app and who built it?

es, it's built by Tony and is safe to run on your computer as it suggests commands without having the capability to execute any.

3) Why is there no web or CLI version of the app?

urrently, there is no web or CLI version of the app due to design decisions focused on ease of build, maintenance, and feature set, but a CLI version may be considered in the future.

4) Is this app open source and will there be new features?

o, Ask Command is not open source, but the creator is open to adding new features if there's enough interest and support for the app.

5) Is there a Windows/Linux version of the app?

here is no Windows or Linux version at the moment, and the app is specifically designed for macOS 10.








AI Developer Assistant Unix Commands macOS App GPT-3 Command Line Interface


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