

Aidbase is an advanced AI-Powered Support Ecosystem designed specifically for startups looking to enhance their customer support with the power of artificial intelligence. It allows you to train an AI chatbot on your data, ensuring a highly personalized and efficient customer support experience. Aidbase's ecosystem includes live AI chat support, email support handling, and an AI-powered ticket system that resolve issues swiftly. With its No Code Form Builder, you can create custom ticket forms that fit seamlessly into your app, providing a smooth support experience for your users. The system's ability to connect to a wide range of third-party tools like Discord, WhatsApp, Slack, and more, ensures that it integrates effortlessly into your existing workflow. Aidbase is quick to set up and requires no coding, making it accessible to teams of all sizes and technical abilities.

Top Features:
  1. Live AI Chat Support: Trained on your data for personalized customer interactions.

  2. AI-Powered Email and Ticket Support: Handle emails and resolve tickets faster with AI assistance.

  3. No Code Form Builder: Easily create custom ticket forms without any coding.

  4. Smart Suggestions: AI suggests solutions for tickets based on similar past issues.

  5. Flexible Integration: Connect to various third-party tools with ease for a seamless experience.


1) How do I set up an AI chatbot with Aidbase?

rain your AI chatbot on your data sources to provide ChatGPT-like support tailored for your products.

2) How can I improve my chatbot's performance over time?

se the integrated tools to monitor user interactions and identify where your AI might be lacking knowledge.

hen, retrain your chatbot on-the-fly for improved accuracy.

3) What is the No Code Form Builder in Aidbase?

t allows you to create, embed, and manage custom ticket forms on your app, all without needing to write code.

4) How does the AI assist in handling tickets?

idbase's AI will make suggestions for ticket resolutions by learning from past tickets and user issues.

5) Which third-party tools can Aidbase integrate with?

ou can connect with common tools like Discord, WhatsApp, Slack, Notion, and more, bridging Aidbase with the services you already use.






AI Chatbot Email Support Ticket System No Code Form Builder Customer Support


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