Wholesum is a revolutionary tool designed to simplify the art of group menu planning and grocery shopping. Ideal for diverse needs such as week-long camping trips, office retreats, summer camps, weddings, and B&Bs, Wholesum offers a suite of features to save time, money, and reduce food waste. With capabilities that cater to dietary restrictions, vary according to the size of the group, and assist in detailed calendar planning, Wholesum ensures an efficient meal planning experience. Users can expect to significantly cut down on food costs while enjoying the convenience of mobile shopping lists and AI-powered recipe generation.

Top Features:
  1. Streamlined Meal Planning: Adjust meal plans easily for dietary restrictions and group size.

  2. AI-Powered Recipes: Automatically generate recipes with AI assistance.

  3. Cost-Efficient Shopping Lists: Create detailed shopping lists and monitor food costs.

  4. Calendar Planning: Organize meals efficiently with calendar integration.

  5. Mobile Accessibility: Access shopping lists on iOS and Android devices.


1) Who is Wholesum suitable for?

holesum is designed to support anyone who needs to plan meals for groups such as camping trips, office retreats, summer camps, catered events, or bed and breakfast establishments.

2) Can Wholesum accommodate dietary restrictions?

holesum users can easily add or exclude meals based on dietary restrictions and also automatically adjust recipes to avoid allergens or preferences.

3) Does Wholesum allow adjustments for different group sizes?

es, with Wholesum, you can adjust the recipes and shopping lists according to your group's size and have the option to create shareable meal plans.

4) How much can I save on food costs using Wholesum?

n average, Wholesum users save over 20% on food costs due to efficient planning and budgeting features within the tool.

5) Can I access my Wholesum shopping lists on my mobile device?

holesum offers mobile compatibility, allowing you to bring your shopping lists on any iOS or Android device for easy access while shopping.






Group Menu Planning Shopping Lists Food Calculator Dietary Restrictions Recipe Adjustments


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