Track Calories AI

Track Calories AI

Track Calories offers an innovative and stress-free way for health-conscious individuals to stay on top of their dietary intake with AI-powered calorie tracking. By simply taking a photo of your meal, provides detailed calorie counts and nutrient analysis. Get personalized dietary tracking based on your unique profile including weight, age, gender, and activity level, enabling you to enjoy your meals while reaching your health goals. is easy to use, requires no additional labelling, and even provides suggestions to improve meal healthiness. Available as a Progressive Web App, it allows for tracking anywhere, anytime. Choose from free to premium plans for the features that best suit your needs and embark on the journey to healthier eating today!

Top Features:
  1. AI-powered image analysis: Our AI provides detailed meal calorie and nutrient breakdowns from photos.

  2. Personalized dietary tracking: Tailored caloric intake recommendations based on personal parameters.

  3. Eat what you want: Freedom in choice of food with guidance on portion sizes to meet your goals.

  4. Accurate AI-Analysis: Estimation of caloric content without the need for additional image labelling.

  5. Easy to use: Just upload meal photos with optional food descriptions for tracking.


1) How accurate is the AI analysis?

ur AI is continuously learning and improving.

hile it's highly accurate, results can vary based on image quality and complexity.

2) Is this a substitute for medical advice?

o, Track-Calories.


m is a tool to assist in tracking your dietary intake and is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

3) How can I maximize the accuracy of the AI?

nsure your food is well-lit and clearly visible in the photo.

he better the quality of the image, the more accurate the analysis.


Where is Track-Calories.

com based?

rack-calories is based in St.


llen, Switzerland.

5) How does the image analysis work?

imply upload a photo of your meal, and our AI will analyze it to provide you with an estimated calorie count and nutritional breakdown.






AI-Powered Calorie Tracking Personalized Dietary Tracking Easy-To-Use Nutrition App Health Management Progressive Web App


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