Generate 20+ strategic frameworks for your business. All your favourite strategic frameworks: Business Model Canvas, SWOT Analysis, Lean Canvas, Ansoff Matrix, BCG Matrix, Five Forces, Gartner Magic Quad, Generic Strategies, PEST & many more. AI wizard offers strategic inspiration throughout the process. Create your own awesome strategic models and frameworks. Combine AI generated inspiration with your vision and ideas. Combine the power of AI with our easy drag and drop strategic templates to unleash your strategic thinking.

Top Features:
  1. Autogenerates strategic frameworks20+ strategic frameworksEasy drag and drop editing.


1) How much does it cost?

ree to try then $2 per month2) Are the strategic frameworks unique?Yes, they are custom generated using AI with prompts specific to your business?3) How can I export the frameworks?You can export as a simple jpg image to use as you wish.

here are no watermarks or other tracking.






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