

SparkBrief is your AI Ghost Writer that takes multiple sources and documents to create a cohesive memo, essay, narrative, email, and more. With over 450+ different unique combinations of settings that let you speak like a comedian, poet, or even write in first person, SparkBrief covers almost all of the use cases. Not only that but output your text in 15+ different languages.

Top Features:
  1. Supports 15+ different output languagesUse sources to ground your essaysUses a combination of GPT-3.

  2. 5 and PaLM 2 to get the best output.


1) Is it free?

here are free credits and a $20/month unlimited subscription2) Do I need sources?Yes, sources are required to ground your essay.

You can add up to 10 to make it specific to your use case3) Do I need an essay focus?

es your essay focus helps the AI writer determine how to create your perform prose.






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