

Shuttle is a groundbreaking service that revolutionizes the way developers deploy applications in the cloud. With Shuttle, developers can go from idea to a fully deployed app in less than 5 minutes, without worrying about infrastructure. The platform uses a suite of advanced AI agents to interpret prompts, generate code, provision infrastructure, and handle deployment automatically. Simply by typing commands like shuttle-ai build "Build me a blog service", Shuttle's AI agents will take care of the rest, from code generation to deploying a live, Rust-based backend on Shuttle's Cloud. Updates and new features are just as easy to implement with commands like shuttle-ai add-feature "Add comment support". Shuttle aims to make app building and deployment faster than ever, focusing on the developer's convenience and efficiency.

Top Features:
  1. Instant Deployment: Deploy an app from prompt to live in under 5 minutes.

  2. Code Generation: AI agents automatically generate the required code from prompts.

  3. Infrastructure Automation: Shuttle handles all infrastructure and provisioning needs.

  4. Automatic Compilation and Error Fixing: Ensures code compiles and fixes any errors.

  5. Rust-Based Backend: Deployed applications have a live Rust-based backend on Shuttle’s cloud.


1) What is Shuttle?

huttle is a cloud-based platform that enables developers to deploy applications quickly by interpreting prompts to automatically generate code, provision infrastructure, and handle deployment.

2) How do I build a blog service with Shuttle?

ou can build a blog service by writing the command `shuttle-ai build "Build me a blog service"`, and Shuttle will generate and deploy your project.

3) How do I add a new feature to my app using Shuttle?

ust write `shuttle-ai add-feature "Add comment support"` and Shuttle will analyze your code, implement the feature, and deploy the changes.

4) What kind of AI does Shuttle utilize?

huttle uses multiple Large Language Model (LLM) agents that work together to handle your request from generating a plan to code creation, infrastructure, provisioning, and deployment.

5) Where are apps deployed when using Shuttle?

huttle's platform utilizes a cloud where Rust-based backends for applications are deployed, ensuring a real, live app in the clou.





Cloud Deployment AI-Powered Development Code Generation Infrastructure Automation Rust-Based Backend


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