

Sheldon is an AI assistant that can save you up to 40% of your time on the internet. With its chrome extension, you can quickly generate emails, code, excel formulas, blogs, and more in under 5 seconds. It's the go-to AI assistant for professionals and marketeers, providing fast and efficient solutions to various tasks on websites such as Gmail, Google Sheets, LinkedIn, and Quora. Install Sheldon now for free and experience the benefits of having your own personal AI assistant.

Top Features:
  1. Effortlessly Write Professional Email Replies: With Sheldon you can save time writing professional email replies.

  2. Just provide it with the desired tone and content and it will suggest words and phrases to generate text based on your prompt.

  3. Master Complex Excel Formulas: If you're stuck on Excel Sheldon can help.

  4. Describe the desired function or operation and it will generate a formula that accomplishes the task for you.

  5. Generate Content for Marketing Campaigns: Need content for your next marketing campaign? Provide Sheldon with a brief and ask it to generate different types of content including LinkedIn posts Twitter threads website copy and video scripts.

  6. It can even suggest topics and keywords to resonate with your target audience.

  7. Solve Coding Problems: Sheldon can assist with coding problems by analyzing your query and automatically writing the code for you.

  8. It provides code snippets step-by-step instructions and hints to help you solve your coding problems faster.

  9. Knowledge First: As.





AI Assistant ChatGPT Browsing Assistant Professional Emails Code Generation


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